Homeless Man Came To Her Wedding, When He Took The Microphone Something Beautiful Happened

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Source: YouTube

Jason suddenly heard loud bangs against the plane’s windows. He had no idea what was going on. He was frantically looking around, then his co-pilot gasped when he got warned by the cabin crew. Jason was totally baffled when he heard that a giant swarm of birds was chasing, and attacking the plane. And they just kept coming.

This could end in a total disaster…..

Trying to shake birds
Shutterstock.com / Atosan
Source: Shutterstock.com / Atosan

Jason tried to shake the birds. But he had to be careful, if they would hit the engines the whole plane could go down. The birds seemed to get more aggressive the harder Jason tried to shake them. Jason had no idea why, but it only got worse..

not leaving the plane alone
Shutterstock.com / VICTOR TORRES
Source: Shutterstock.com / VICTOR TORRES

The birds would not let the plane alone, and from what he heard from the cabin crew, people got rowdy. They felt like the birds would let the plane crash. Jason assured the passengers that he had everything under control and that it was normal. But the opposite was true. Jason had to call for help.

asking for help
Shutterstock.com / Gorodenkoff
Source: Shutterstock.com / Gorodenkoff

Jason had to call flight control to see what his options were. He had the feeling that it was only a matter of time before the birds would actually be able to crash the plane. The number of birds kept increasing, and they got even more aggressive. But there was a problem.

no reply
Shutterstock.com / Purd77
Source: Shutterstock.com / Purd77

Jason's co-pilot, Jimmy, turned his head around. Jason saw that he did not have good news. He could not reach flight control. There was no answer. Jason insisted that he kept trying. He informed the cabin crew, who had to calm the passengers down.

passengers getting scared
Shutterstock.com / H_Ko
Source: Shutterstock.com / H_Ko

The passengers could hardly watch out of the windows because it was blacked out by birds. This darkened the whole plane, which gave off a horrifying vibe. The passengers grew really scared. Some of them even started crying. Jason had to act fast.

plane not gaining altitude
Shutterstock.com / Aureliy
Source: Shutterstock.com / Aureliy

Jason tried with all his power to gain altitude with the plane, to shake the birds. But if he climbed to steep, it would endanger everyone in the plane. Moreover, the number of birds was so extremely high that they started to steer the plane down. Jimmy gasped when he saw buildings approaching.

dangerous hovering over city
Shutterstock.com / Michael O'Keene
Source: Shutterstock.com / Michael O'Keene

They were now hovering very dangerously above the city. Luckily for Jason, he could steer the plane to the countryside. He realized that it was futile to try and gain altitude. He had to get back to the airport, and he had to land the plane. But how?

cabin crew trying to calm everyone down
Shutterstock.com / Feruzbek
Source: Shutterstock.com / Feruzbek

Meanwhile, the cabin crew was dealing with the passengers. Some of them had even gotten out of their seats. They couldn't take it anymore. While others were just frozen in place. Nobody knew what was going on...

Turn around
Shutterstock.com / ThomasLENNE
Source: Shutterstock.com / ThomasLENNE

Finally, Jimmy got the call to immediately turn around the plane to the nearest landing strip. Flight control had told them to redirect to a smaller airport closer to their current position. Jason did not waste any time and turned the plane. 

getting dangerous
Shutterstock.com / muratart
Source: Shutterstock.com / muratart

It was now getting really dangerous. By turning the plane, they hit a couple of birds. Which seemed to trigger them even more. The birds now kept hitting the plan, and small cracks started to show in the windows.

emergency services already on route
Shutterstock.com / ChameleonsEye
Source: Shutterstock.com / ChameleonsEye

Jason got informed that emergency services were already en route to the airstrip. Jason just had to make sure he could reach the airstrip. Only then could they help them out. He had to do everything in his power to not crash. But when reaching the countryside, it got even worse.

More birds attacking plane
Shutterstock.com / Muratart
Source: Shutterstock.com / Muratart

Immediately when leaving the city area, Jason noticed that the last part of the airstrip would get even worse. From the nearby forest, more birds emerged. They were instantly drawn to the plane. Jason got the feeling this could only end up in a disaster.

dangerously close to engines
Shutterstock.com / Muratart
Source: Shutterstock.com / Muratart

Jason noticed that the more birds attacked the plane, the closer they got to the engines. If many birds flew into the engines, it wouldn't be good. Jason was fully focused on reaching the strip when he heard a loud bang.

plane shaking
Shutterstock.com / Design Projects
Source: Shutterstock.com / Design Projects

The plane started shaking, and Jason could hardly control it. The plan was also losing altitude. The passengers also noticed this and immediately started screaming in distress. The worst thing that could have happened was happening. The engine burst.

Jason's heart
Shutterstock.com / Sunshine Seeds
Source: Shutterstock.com / Sunshine Seeds

Jason's heart was pounding in his chest. He was so focused that he did not hear anything around him. The plan was now falling out of the sky. There was only one option that Jason could think of. This was his last shot.

emergency landing
Shutterstock.com / Angelo Giampiccolo
Source: Shutterstock.com / Angelo Giampiccolo

Jason had to make an emergency landing. He had never done this before. He had only learned about it in simulations during his education. He felt it was his duty to make sure everyone on the plane was going to be safe. Then he saw something.

Shutterstock.com / Stock High angle view
Source: Shutterstock.com / Stock High angle view

While descending, he saw a body of water in the distance, and he calculated that he could barely make a landing in the water. This was their only saving grace. Landing on land with being rough. It would probably end up crashing the plane.

landing in the water
Shutterstock.com / aappp
Source: Shutterstock.com / aappp

Jason barely managed to land the plane in the water. It was not a soft landing. But it made sure that the plane did not break into pieces. His only concern was the safety of his crew and the passengers on the plane. He then heard screaming.

Shutterstock.com / H_Ko
Source: Shutterstock.com / H_Ko

The screams came from the passengers. They were terrified. Jason was stuck for a moment but managed to get himself out of his seat. Jimmy was barely conscious, but with the help of Jason, they managed to get inside the plane. The cabin crew was in distress.

nobody hurt
Shutterstock.com / ChameleonsEye
Source: Shutterstock.com / ChameleonsEye

The crew tried to stay calm, and from the looks of things, they were actually all fine. They had to open the emergency exits, but they realized the birds were still swarming all around the plane. What would happen if they opened the doors?

everyone needed to evacuate plane
Shutterstock.com / kryzhov
Source: Shutterstock.com / kryzhov

They could not stay inside the plane. They had to evacuate. Jason tried to push open one of the exits, but it was completely stuck. He got a little emotional due to the stress and desperation. Luckily one of the stewardesses managed to get the other exit open.

slowly sinking
Shutterstock.com / Juanjo Tugores
Source: Shutterstock.com / Juanjo Tugores

The plane was slowly sinking, but they realized that they had enough time to get everyone safely out of the plane. The crew tried to calm everyone down, but some people did not care for anyone else but themselves and tried to get out first. Which they immediately regretted.

birds attacking everyone that's getting out
Shutterstock.com / Piraneus
Source: Shutterstock.com / Piraneus

The birds started attacking the people who got out first. Luckily when most of them dived into the water, they were actually left alone. Some birds even flew into the plane. But they were mostly aggressive toward the entrance to the baggage room. What was in there?

coast guard helping
Shutterstock.com / Billy Watkins
Source: Shutterstock.com / Billy Watkins

Before this question could even be answered, everyone had to get out first. Jason was the last one that jump into the water, and luckily the coast guard was already on their way to save everyone. The birds started forming circles above the plane when looking at the sky. That slowly sunk into the water.

getting everyone out safe
shutterstock.com / lunopark
Source: shutterstock.com / lunopark

The coast guard made sure everyone got out of the water safely. More boats were now approaching, so everyone could be saved. The passengers kept pointing to the wreck of the plane. When Jason turned his head around, he gasped.

birds keep circling
Shutterstock.com / Anton Havelaar
Source: Shutterstock.com / Anton Havelaar

The birds just kept circling around the plane. It was like they were actively looking for something inside. Jason was confused. He seriously had no idea what could cause all these birds to react like this. But it got even worse when the coast guard tried to get closer.

coast guard trying to get close
Shutterstock.com / Aerial Motion
Source: Shutterstock.com / Aerial Motion

When trying to get closer, the birds got even more alert. It looked like they did not intend to let the coast guard get close to the plane. But the coast guard was very stubborn. Despite Jason's warnings, they sailed closer.

getting attacked
Shutterstock.com / Tyler Olson
Source: Shutterstock.com / Tyler Olson

Immediately when reaching the wreck, they got attacked by the birds. This actually scared the crew so much that they jumped off the ships. They swam back to the other boats. The passengers and cabin crew were totally baffled. What was in the plane?

trying to scare the birds away
Shutterstock.com / tetiana volkonska
Source: Shutterstock.com / tetiana volkonska

There had to be a way to scare the birds away. Otherwise, they could never get anywhere near the plane wreck. They had to come up with a plan. Because they had to get the plane out of the water to inspect it. There was no time to lose.

massive tugboats
Shutterstock.com / Designation Studio
Source: Shutterstock.com / Designation Studio

Massive tugboats were already on their way to tow the plane out of the water. But the coast guard had warned them about the swarm of birds. Just like the first boat, they did not seem too scared of the birds. But they should be.

gettin closer
Shutterstock.com / QZ
Source: Shutterstock.com / QZ

As they got closer, the birds started swarming again. The workers saw the sky darken with birds. This was a clear sign that they would have to wait. They called for backup to ensure the birds would be scared. This was the only way.

birds swarm workers
Shutterstock.com / Edithe Video
Source: Shutterstock.com / Edithe Video

The birds, this time, swarmed the ships when they were further away. The crew that was outside got swarmed. Luckily, they quickly found their way inside. The tugboats could get closer because the birds couldn't reach the captain. Luckily Jason came up with a plan.

Jason tells coast guard to make lots of sounds
Shutterstock.com / Wham Fahmy Redzuan
Source: Shutterstock.com / Wham Fahmy Redzuan

He had heard learned during his education that airports scare birds by making sounds. He told the coast guard that they could scare the birds off. The coast guard immediately acted upon this and fully blasted sounds out of their speakers. Then something happened.

Finally birds flee
Shutterstock.com / Edvardask
Source: Shutterstock.com / Edvardask

The birds actually reacted to the high-pitched noises and fled back into the forest. The coast guard knew if they stopped now, the birds would return. This was their opening to ensure the plane could be towed out of the water.

getting ready to tug plane
Shutterstock / Funtay
Source: Shutterstock / Funtay

Under guidance from the coast guard, the tugboats could attach their cables to the plane. They started pulling. Luckily the plane was easily towed. It would just be a matter of time before the plane could be searched. In the meantime, the police arrived as well.

police asking Jason questions
Shutterstock.com / MW Hunt
Source: Shutterstock.com / M. W. Hunt

Jason was responsible for the plane, so he was immediately asked questions by the police. Jason had nothing to hide from the police, so he told them it was just a regular flight. He had made this flight almost every week without any hinder. Until today.

questions about luggage
Shutterstock.com / Free Wind 2014
Source: Shutterstock.com / Free Wind 2014

He remarked that the birds, when entering the plane were immediately going for the luggage room. This could actually be the key to finding out what happened here today. The police asked detailed questions about the luggage, but Jason referred them to the passengers. They would have the answers.

asking questions to passengers
Shutterstock.com / Alessio Tricani
Source: Shutterstock.com / Alessio Tricani

All of the passengers, although very shaken, were immediately answering all of the police's questions about what they were carrying and what was in their luggage. Except for one person, who was set aside by the police.

One passenger shady
SHutterstock.com / S_E
Source: SHutterstock.com / S_E

This one person was very shady about why he was making this trip. With almost every sentence he spoke, he contradicted himself. The police actually found this very suspicious. He did not want to answer when they asked him about his luggage.

background check
Shutterstock.com / Andrew_Popov
Source: Shutterstock.com / Andrew_Popov

They did a background check on him. This raised even more questions. His passport seems to be fake. This could not be good. The only way they could now identify him was by his fingerprints. When they put this in the database, they got a hit.

alarm bells
Shutterstock.com / Chockniti-Studio
Source: Shutterstock.com / Chockniti-Studio

This man was a convicted felon who had just got released. His documents were sealed by the government, so they had no idea what they were exactly dealing with. But all kinds of alarm bells went off. They still had to figure out what he was actually transporting and why the birds reacted to it.

Plane finally out of the water
Shutterstock.com / wlkellar
Source: Shutterstock.com / wlkellar

Luckily the plane was finally taken out of the water. A special research team arrived at the scene to ensure everything was carefully searched. But before they could even enter the plane, they heard many sounds.

Birds seem to come close again
Source: YouTube

The birds had realized that the ships had sailed away and that the sound was now in the distance. They immediately swarmed the plane wreck. The police suspected they were trying to get into the luggage department. The research team now got closer to speakers.

scaring them off and entering plane
Shutterstock.com / Vladimir Mulder
Source: Shutterstock.com / Vladimir Mulder

They scared the birds off and entered the plane. It wasn't easy to get close to the luggage since the plane was totally destroyed. The door was jammed, but they got special tools to break it open. Immediately upon opening the door, they heard something.

sounds coming from plane
Shutterstock.com / tatianatatianatatiana
Source: Shutterstock.com / tatianatatianatatiana

Out of the luggage department, they heard concerning sounds. When they made their way closer to the suitcases, they could pinpoint the exact suitcases the sound was coming from. When opening it they all gasped.

Shady passenger detained
Shutterstock.com / boyphare
Source: Shutterstock.com / boyphare

They immediately called to inform the police to detain the shady passenger. The name on the suitcase matched the name on the fake passport he had given when checking in. The research team carefully took the suitcases out of the plane. Jason ran towards them and turned pale when he saw what was in them.

smuggling exotic birds
Shutterstock.com / Ondrej Prosicky
Source: Shutterstock.com / Ondrej Prosicky

He realized that the man was smuggling exotic birds. After calling more law enforcement, they got the exact details of why the man was detained. He was already detained for exotic smuggling animals before. When released, he just started again. Jason got emotional.

Shutterstock.com / Gorodenkoff
Source: Shutterstock.com / Gorodenkoff

Eventually, the man was charged and would never be released again. He was charged with endangering the passengers as well. The birds attacked the plane because they could hear the exotic birds calling for help. Jason was at the trial and burst into tears from relief. Everyone was safe, and he was relieved.


Story starts below

Lucy always had a soft spot for the underdog, and Mark, a homeless man she befriended, was no exception. She saw something special in him, something her friends and family couldn’t. When her wedding invitations went out, she insisted on including Mark. Despite the murmurs of disapproval, she wanted him there, not just as a guest, but as a part of her new beginning.

Planning his surprise
Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com
Source: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com

Mark, on the other hand, was brewing a surprise that would stun everyone. Behind his rugged, worn exterior was a secret he had guarded even from Lucy. With the wedding approaching, he felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Would his revelation be a welcome surprise, or would it disrupt the joyous day? He could only hope for the best.

The wedding day
Source: Shutterstock.com/ OMNIS_PL

The wedding day sparkled with autumn sun, casting a perfect light on Lucy and her fiancé, Jack, as they exchanged vows. The air buzzed with happiness and celebration, the perfect scene for new beginnings. As the ceremony concluded, Mark’s moment drew near. His hands trembled slightly as he reached for the microphone, his heart pounding with the weight of his impending revelation.

Another side of him
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Alexey Lesik

As Mark stood up, the room fell into a hushed anticipation. Lucy looked on, puzzled but supportive, trusting her friend. Then, with a deep breath, Mark began to unveil his surprise. The words he spoke were not what anyone expected, revealing a depth to his life that Lucy had never known. The revelation changed everything.

Everyone was taken care of
Source: Shutterstock.com/ fgr.lio

Lucy’s eyes widened with each word Mark spoke. Her heart raced as she pieced together the man she thought she knew with the truths now coming to light. In those moments, her perception of Mark transformed completely. What he shared reshaped their friendship and left everyone in attendance in stunned silence.

She knew the struggle
Source: Shutterstock.com/ OMNIS_PL

But what exactly did Mark reveal at the wedding? What secrets had he kept that could so profoundly shock Lucy and alter their friendship? The questions lingered in the air, thick with curiosity and newfound respect for the complexity of the man they only thought they knew.

Source: Shutterstock.com/ atibody

Lucy had never been one to walk past someone in need. Her connection with Mark began on a chilly evening, her heart going out to the man with sad eyes holding a sign that read, "Homeless and Hungry." Without a second thought, she approached him, her voice soft, asking if he needed a meal, marking the beginning of an unexpected friendship.

Learning more about him
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Shchus

As they shared a simple meal on the sidewalk, Lucy listened intently to Mark’s story of hardship and loss. His journey from a stable job to the streets had been swift and brutal. Lucy’s empathy deepened with every word, her resolve to help strengthening. This was not just about charity; it was about human connection.

Close friends
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Vadym Andrushchenko

Their friendship grew with each encounter, each story shared between them over meals on the curb. Despite the hardships he faced, Mark’s kindness and resilience shone through, painting him as more than just a statistic of homelessness. To Lucy, he embodied hope and the strength of the human spirit.

She got proposed to
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Pixelove

When Jack proposed, Lucy’s joy was immense. Eager to share her happiness, she rushed to tell Mark, not just as a friend, but as someone integral to her life. His reaction was a mix of joy and something else—a hint of the secret he held back. As she basked in her engagement bliss, little did she know the depth of the surprise Mark planned for her wedding day.

A perfect proposal
Source: Shutterstock.com/ GLRL

His proposal was beautiful and more than Lucy could have ever dreamed of. They were away for the weekend, hiking through the mountains and sleeping in a romantic cottage. It was truly perfect, and Lucy immediately searched for Mark when they returned home, and his response to the news was nothing but lovely.


A true friendship
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Designer things

When she told him about the engagement, Mark was thrilled for her. "You deserve all the happiness in the world," he said. They hugged, and Lucy felt like Mark was truly happy for her. He didn’t look at her as someone who had it better than him; he looked past that. Instead, he saw Lucy for who she was.

Planning the wedding
Source: Shutterstock.com/ BIGUTOON

As Lucy and Jack began planning their wedding, they knew they wanted to do something special for Mark. They wanted him to be a part of their special day, not just as a guest, but as someone who would play an important role in the ceremony. And Lucy knew just the way to do that.

A special task
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Sergey Ryzhov

So, in the weeks leading up to the wedding, Lucy and Jack invited Mark to be their officiant. Mark was stunned. "Me?" he said. "Are you sure?" Lucy and Jack smiled and nodded. "We're sure," Lucy said. "You've become such an important part of our lives, and we can't think of anyone better to marry us."

Taking his task very seriously
Shutterstock.com/ Lipik Stock Media
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Lipik Stock Media

Mark felt a lump form in his throat. He had never expected to be a part of something so special. "I would be honored," he said. As the wedding day approached, Mark rehearsed his lines over and over again, making sure that he had everything memorized. He wanted to do a good job, to make Lucy and Jack proud.

A secret part of him
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Minerva Studio

But little did Lucy and Jack know that Mark was planning to do something very special at their wedding. There was one part of his life he hadn’t shared with them yet, and he thought their wedding day would be the perfect time to show them. But his surprise needed a bit of planning.

A big surprise
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Antonio

He had to pull off the surprise of his life. And that wasn’t an easy task. Being homeless, it was hard for him to use the right resources. If he had to look something up, he had to go to a public library, and sometimes they wouldn’t even let him in. But Mark was determined to make it work.

A librarian
Source: Shutterstock.com/ file404

He decided to befriend a librarian. And with his naturally kind and charismatic character, his plan quickly worked. She let him use the computer as long as he liked and even lent him a few books. Mark was very careful with the books and only took them outside to read in the sun. 

The right direction
Source: Shutterstock.com/ file404

After a few days, Mark had done enough research. He thanked the librarian for her kindness and returned all of his books. Then, he went to the nearby park and sat down on a bench. His surprise was far from finished, but he was going in the right direction. He was sure Lucy and Jack would love it. 

A grand gesture
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Banias

Mark spent the next few days pouring over his notebook, scribbling down ideas for the surprise he had planned for Lucy and Jack's wedding. He wanted to do something special for the couple, something that would show them just how much they meant to him. It was a grand gesture, something they would never expect. 

The big day arrived
Source: Shutterstock.com/ klakson

The days leading up to the wedding flew by in a blur, and before Mark knew it, the big day had arrived. Lucy had arranged for Mark to stay at a nearby hotel and rented a tux for him to wear. She made sure Mark felt confident standing before so many unknown people.

Feeling confidant
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Olga Evans

He hadn't worn such a nice suit in a long time and almost felt like himself again. He confidently traveled to the wedding location and was amazed by how it looked. It was a beautiful outside wedding, and judging how many chairs were set out for the guest, it was going to be a big wedding too.

Guest poured in
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Korionov

Guests were slowly turning up and looking for their seats. Everyone chatted happily together and didn't seem to pay much attention to Mark, who awkwardly stood somewhere by a tree. He wasn't sure when he was supposed to walk to the altar, but he didn't want to be too soon and standing there on his own for long.

The wedding planner
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Tymonko Galyna

Suddenly the wedding planner walked over to Mark and asked him how he was doing. She smiled at him and made him feel at ease. She told him he should walk to the alter in about five minutes so that they could install the microphone to his height and do a little sound check.

A quick sound check
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB

So, that's what Mark did. He walked to the altar and waited patiently. Technicians walked around him, arranging the microphone's cables so no one would trip over them, and they asked Mark to test the microphone briefly. He tapped his finger, and a loud noise echoed through the speakers. Then, it was time.

Jack's turn
Shutterstock.com/ Billion Photos
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Billion Photos

Mark stood in front of everyone, waiting for Jack and Lucy to walk down the aisle. First, it was Jack’s turn. He walked confidently and shook Mark's hand as he stood next to him. After Jack came the bridesmaids, three of Lucy’s best friends. They whispered to each other as they stood next to Mark, making him very self-conscious.

Staring at Mark
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Vadym

Suddenly, he felt everyone’s eyes burning. They all stared at him, and some even whispered to the person they sat next to. Mark couldn’t help but feel they were judging him. His palms got sweaty, and he suddenly felt panic rising. He had to get out of there as fast as possible. 

Couldn’t take it anymore
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Alexey Lesik

Out of nowhere, Mark ran up the aisle and out of the room. As he exited the room, he almost ran into Lucy, who was only minutes away from walking down the aisle. She was surprised to see Mark not standing in place and asked him what was going on. 

Judging him
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Pressmaster

Mark’s emotions got the best of him, and a tear rolled down his cheek as he described what had happened. He had gotten stage fright as he felt everyone was talking about him and judging him for being homeless. And he wasn’t entirely wrong. Not everyone understood Lucy and Jack’s decision to involve Mark in their wedding.

Not caring about their opinions
Source: Shutterstock.com/ sorinpro

Lucy had feared this would happen. She knew her parents didn’t understand their decision, but she didn’t care about their opinions. It was her special day, and if she wanted to involve Mark, she would. So, she tried her best to calm him down and told him to stop caring about other people’s opinions.

Lucy's kind words
Source: Shutterstock.com/  fizkes

"Mark, you mean the world to us, and we don't care about the opinions of others! You are truly our friend, and we are proud to have you at our wedding. I'm sure everyone will love you once they get to know you, all you have to do is be yourself!" 

Taking his spot back
Source: Shutterstock.com/ OLEH SLEPCHENKO

Mark calmed down and knew Lucy was right. He had almost ruined her special day with his own troubles. Now he really wanted his surprise to be big. He got himself together and confidently walked to his spot again, holding his head high and looking straight in front of him.

“We chose you for a reason”
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Nomad_Soul

He briefly explained everything to Jack. Jack understood his worries and patted him on the shoulder. “You got this, man. Lucy cares so much about you. We chose you for a reason.” he said to Mark as he smiled with comforting eyes. Mark had never felt such love from anyone before. 

Proving everyone wrong
Shutterstock.com/ Jon Osumi
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Jon Osumi

He took a deep breath and reminded himself of what he had planned. He felt ready to prove everyone who ever looked at him badly wrong. He wasn’t just a helpless, homeless person, and with his surprise in mind, he was sure everyone would change their minds about him afterward. 

A grand entrance
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Asier Romero

Suddenly the music started, and everyone rose off their seats. They turned to the door and waited for Lucy to come out. But the door stayed shut. Everyone waited patiently, and Jack shifted nervously from one foot to the other. Lucy was waiting for the right part of the music to start, and when it did, the doors opened. 

Walking down the aisle
Shutterstock.com/ Bogdan Sonjachnyj
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Bogdan Sonjachnyj

Finally, it was time for Lucy to walk down the aisle. She looked gorgeous in her wedding dress, and everyone could feel the love in the air. Jack couldn’t contain his emotions and cried as Lucy happily approached him. It was a beautiful moment, and one Mark wouldn’t forget quickly.

Time to talk
Lipik Stock Media/Shutterstock.com
Source: Lipik Stock Media/Shutterstock.com

Mark’s heart was pounding in his chest as it was his time to speak. He cleared his throat and wanted to begin, but suddenly realized he had forgotten all of his rehearsed lines. He looked at Lucy, and she could see he was panicking on the inside. She looked at him reassuringly, and Mark eventually got himself together again.

One big breath
Source: Shutterstock.com/ pathdoc

He looked at the ground and took a big breath. Mark knew everyone was waiting for him to speak, making this even more nerve-wracking. Finally, he briefly closed his eyes and told himself he could do it. And when he opened his eyes again, he began to speak from the heart.

Officiating the wedding
Source: IVASHstudio/Shutterstock.com

“Welcome, everyone! We gather here today to celebrate the love and commitment of Jack and Lucy,” Mark began. “As their dear friend, it's an honor for me to stand before them as they embark on this beautiful journey together.” Everyone looked intensely at Mark, but he couldn’t care less this time.

A day filled with love
Shutterstock.com/ maxbelchenko
Source: Shutterstock.com/ maxbelchenko

“Today is a day filled with love, joy, and celebration, and I want to express how much Jack and Lucy mean to all of us.” Then, Mark told about his first time meeting Lucy. He had never expected their friendship to blossom as it did, and he couldn’t thank her enough. A tear rolled down Lucy’s cheek as she listened to his kind words.

Not everyone was interested
Source: Kzenon/Shutterstock.com

But not everyone was interested in Mark's story. He noticed one of the bridesmaids rolled her eyes and sighed in boredom. It hurt his feelings, and Lucy noticed it too. Luckily for Mark, Lucy didn’t let it slide. She took a big step backward and placed her heel onto her bridesmaid’s toe. 

Shutterstock.com/ IVASHstudio
Source: Shutterstock.com/ IVASHstudio

“Oops, sorry!” she said while looking back at her bridesmaid, who had to hold in her scream. It looked like an honest mistake from the outside, but Mark, Lucy, and the bridesmaid all knew why she did that. It was clear Lucy cared a lot about Mark, and she wasn’t afraid to show it. Then, it was time to exchange their vows.

Exchanging their vows
Shutterstock.com/ Bogdan Sonjachnyj
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Bogdan Sonjachnyj

As Lucy and Jack exchanged their vows, Mark couldn't help but smile. They were so in love, and he was honored to be a part of their special day. Mark felt a sense of happiness for his friends, and his excitement grew as he knew his surprise was about to happen.

A sudden shock
Source: Ruslan_127/Shutterstock.com

However, just as the ceremony was about to come to an end, there was a sudden commotion near the altar. It turned out that the rings were missing! Panic spread among the guests, and Lucy and Jack looked bewildered as the best man and maid of honor frantically searched for the rings.

This could ruin your surprise
Dark Moon Pictures/Shutterstock.com
Source: Dark Moon Pictures/Shutterstock.com

Mark's heart skipped a beat. He had carefully planned his surprise to follow immediately after the exchange of rings, and now it seemed like his moment might be ruined. He stood there, feeling a mix of anxiety and concern. He wanted everything to go smoothly for his friends and didn't want to disappoint them.

Lightening the mood
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Andrew Will

It didn't look good for the rings, and everyone felt the tension in the air. To lighten the mood, Jack ran to a bush to lighten the mood and made a ring out of a small twig. He walked back over to Lucy, who saw what he had done and smiled lovingly. Jack told her they didn't need expensive rings. All they needed was each other.

They were found
Dobrunov Nichita Alex/Shutterstock.com
Source: Dobrunov Nichita Alex/Shutterstock.com

After a tense few minutes, the rings were finally found. They had gotten lost in a small hole in the pocket of the best man's suit. Much to everyone's relief, they were able to get them out. The ceremony resumed, and Jack and Lucy exchanged rings with beaming smiles on their faces.

Go to the reception room
Source: PhotoHouse/Shutterstock.com

After the ceremony ended, everyone walked to the room where the wedding reception would take place. The room was beautifully decorated, and there was a large table that presented all sorts of foods. A dance floor lay in the middle of the room, and the wedding cake stood on a big pillar close to the bride and groom's table. 

A beautifully decorated room
Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com
Source: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com

Mark was mesmerized by the room. He had never seen anything like it before. He looked around to search for Lucy, but she was nowhere to be found. And when he looked for Jack, Mark noticed he wasn’t there either. Where could they be? His surprise was about to be revealed.

Where were Jack and Lucy?
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Asier Romero

He figured they would come any minute to make their grand entrance together. Everyone was busy with their own things. Some people searched for their seats while others stood together, happily chatting away. No one seemed to mind that Jack and Lucy weren't there, no one but Mark. 

Calling Mark to the microphone
Source: frank60/Shutterstock.com

Mark walked around the room and looked everywhere. Then, the DJ suddenly called Mark’s name. It was time. Shit, Mark thought. His surprise couldn’t begin yet; Lucy and Jack weren’t even in the room. 

“Mark, where ya at?” The DJ called again.

“One moment!” Mark desperately yelled back. He had to stall for some time.

He had to find them
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Shift Drive

He had to sneak out of the room, but everyone stood close by the door. So, Mark figured there was nothing else he could do but not care about others' opinions. He had learned from the best, which was Lucy, that the opinions of others weren't important for his own happiness. 

Run out of the room
Source: Shchus/Shutterstock.com

He ran out of the room, and everyone looked at him confusedly. “Lucy? Lucy?!” he yelled. Suddenly he heard a faint sound. “Mark?” someone yelled back. It was Lucy. “I’m in here!” Mark entered a room and saw Lucy and Jack standing next to each other in front of a mirror. 

Changing clothes
Source: HTeam/Shutterstock.com

They were changing their outfits for their grand entrance. “You guys have to come to the reception room,” Mark told them while holding the door open. 

“What’s going on, Mark? Did something happen?” Lucy worryingly asked.

“No, nothing like that. But I have a big surprise for you guys,” Mark replied.

Guide them to the reception room
Karina Romanenko/Shutterstock.com
Source: Karina Romanenko/Shutterstock.com

Lucy and Jack’s faces lit up as Mark told them about his surprise. They had never expected anything in return from him, so this was totally unexpected. They quickly followed Mark back to the reception room. Mark went in first, so Lucy and Jack could still do their grand entrance. Everyone clapped as they walked through the door. 

Handing Mark the mic
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Look Studio

They thanked everyone for being there on their special day and said a special thank you to Mark. Then, the DJ asked Mark to come to the stage again and held out the microphone to him. Everyone wondered what was going to happen, especially Lucy. She had never seen this side of Mark before.

Surprise time
golf bress/Shutterstock.com
Source: golf bress/Shutterstock.com

Finally, it was time for Mark to grab the microphone. He walked to the center of the dance floor with a big spotlight on him. He looked out at the gathered guests, including Lucy and Jack, who were eagerly awaiting his surprise. But first, he had a little speech prepared.

Loving words
Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com
Source: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com

He began to speak, his voice steady now, and he poured his heart out in his words. He expressed his gratitude for Lucy and Jack's friendship, their unwavering support, and the love they had shown him over the years. Mark's words were sincere, and as he spoke, he could see tears in Lucy and Jack's eyes.

Started to sing
Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com
Source: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.com

He could also see the joy and appreciation in their expressions, and it filled his heart with warmth. Then, as Mark finished his speech, he took a deep breath, and to everyone's surprise, he began to sing. Everyone was surprised by this side of Mark and never expected it to happen.

A beautiful voice
Shutterstock.com/ Andrey Nastasenko
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Andrey Nastasenko

His voice was rich and soulful, and the lyrics were a reflection of his feelings for Lucy and Jack, capturing the essence of their relationship and the love they shared. As Mark sang, the guests were captivated by his performance. Many were moved to tears, and some even joined in, softly humming along with the melody. 

A moment of silence
pink panda/Shutterstock.com
Source: Shutterstock.com/ pink panda

When Mark finished his song, there was a moment of silence, followed by thunderous applause. The guests were on their feet, cheering and clapping for Mark's heartfelt performance. Lucy and Jack were visibly touched, and they rushed to Mark, embracing him tightly, thanking him for the most beautiful surprise they could have imagined.

Celebrating the rest of the night
Shutterstock.com/ IVASHstudio
Source: Shutterstock.com/ IVASHstudio

The rest of the evening was filled with celebration and joy. Mark's surprise had been a resounding success, and he was overcome with happiness and fulfillment. He no longer felt judged, and he danced and laughed with his friends, cherishing the moment and feeling grateful for the bond he shared with Lucy and Jack.

Cutting the cake
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Krakenimages.com

They enjoyed the delicious menu Lucy had put together for the guests, and after that, it was time to cut the cake. They had a beautiful four-tiered wedding cake with flowers and other deliciousness covering the sides. Everyone surrounded the cake and cheered as they cut a piece of it. 

Cake on her face
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Perfect Wave

Lucy had warned Jack not to push a piece in her face, but Jack just couldn't do nothing. He scooped a big chunk of whipped cream on his finger and smeared it on Lucy's nose. Lucy screamed and laughed as she jokily grabbed the piece of cake and shoved it into Jack's face. 

Time to dance
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Izabela Magier

Jack didn't mind at all and even pushed a piece of cake in Mark's face. Mark laughed out loud and licked his lips. Pieces of cake hung from his beard, and he quickly cleaned it with a piece of paper. When everyone ate a piece of the cake, it was time to dance. 

A lot of love
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Srdjan Randjelovic

Lucy danced with her friends and family, and there was not a worry in sight. Mark had never seen so much love in one room, and everyone got along great with each other. Suddenly a little girl came up to Mark and grabbed his hand. She gently pulled him to the dance floor and started dancing with him.

Letting loose
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Ground Picture

Mark was a bit unsure at first, but he eventually let loose. He danced with the girl and even slowly danced with one of Lucy's single aunts. It was truly a night he will never forget, and he was very grateful to be part of it. But the night couldn't go on forever.

Pulling Mark aside
Shutterstock.com/ DGLimages
Source: Shutterstock.com/ DGLimages

As the night came to a close, Lucy and Jack pulled Mark aside to express their deepest gratitude once again. They thanked him for his heartfelt words and beautiful song and told him that his surprise had made their wedding day even more special and unforgettable. Mark smiled as he hugged his friends tightly.

The end
Shutterstock.com/ Shunevych Serhii
Source: Shutterstock.com/ Shunevych Serhii

As they looked out at the twinkling stars in the night sky together, Mark felt a deep sense of contentment. He realized that sometimes, the most meaningful surprises come from the heart, and that expressing love and appreciation for the people who mean the most to us can create some of the most cherished moments in life—the end. 

Man Has Weird Round Spots On Finger - When The Doctors See It They Call The Police


When Peter first noticed the strange holes in his thumb, he freaked out completely. He had no idea what could have possibly caused this or how potentially dangerous this was. But he soon learns. He went to the doctor that very afternoon, but when that man took a look at it, the message for peter was not good.

The doctor called the police immediately after determining what was going on… 

Left with no answer
Source: Klepach/Shutterstock.com

Peter was just left without any explanation. The doctor had done some tests on him and after seeing the results he immediately informed the police and ran out of the room, leaving him behind. Peter was starting to panic now as he now felt how serious this probably was…

Seeing red
Source: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.com

And when he found out that the doctor had locked the door on him, Peter started to see red. He started banging against the door with his full weight trying to break it open. And with a couple of hits, it gave way. He was now facing to face with the doctors that had locked him in…

The explanation
Ground Picture/Shutterstock.com
Source: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.com

The doctor was now forced to give Peter an explanation as to what he had discovered and upon hearing it, Peter collapsed onto the floor…

But what had the doctor discovered? What were these holes in Peter’s fingers and why did the police need to get involved here?

Any Other Morning
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Panumas Yanuthai
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Panumas Yanuthai

Peter didn't notice anything wrong when he woke up. It seemed like any other morning. He had gotten up and shuffled to the kitchen to make his coffee. He didn't even notice anything wrong while he made the coffee until he was about to pour it into his cup when he saw it and he was ready to scream. 

Meet Peter
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Cristian Blazquez
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Cristian Blazquez

40-year-old Peter was a single man. He had dated in the past but it had just never gone well. He hoped that this time it would be different. He'd spent a lot of time preparing for the date. He really wanted it to go well and it would be the first time they'd meet in person but not everything would go to plan.

Talk to Her Again?
Source: : Shutterstock.com/fizkes
Source: : Shutterstock.com/fizkes

He'd met the woman online and knew it was a long shot but he met up with her. The date was nothing extraordinary. She really didn't seem that interested and he wasn't sure yet if he wanted to see her again, but the next morning he was sure he didn't. After all, what was beyond strange. He didn't want to pull her into it when he didn't even know what was going on. 

Something Strange
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Berna Namoglu
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Berna Namoglu

The morning after his date, Peter discovered that there was something strange about his thumb. It ached a bit but it wasn't until he looked closely at it that he saw exactly why his thumb was hurting and it scared the living daylights out of him. What was happening to him?

Tiny Holes
Source: : Shutterstock.com/japansainlook
Source: : Shutterstock.com/japansainlook

Peter's thumb was covered in tiny holes. He thought that maybe something had stuck to his thumb, but bringing it closer to him, he saw that the holes were digging into his skin. He pressed on it with his other fingers and it hurt a bit more. Something was very clearly wrong, but what?

An Insect
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Kues
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Kues

Peter's thought a bit. Maybe some insect had bitten him or even crawled into him? Maybe it had latched onto his thumb in the night? But he'd never seen a bug do anything like this. Peter searched online and came to the conclusion that no bug had done this. It had to be something worse. 

Source: : Shutterstock.com/pathdoc
Source: : Shutterstock.com/pathdoc

The more Peter looked at his thumb the more confused he became. These weren't just tiny holes. There was something inside the holes. He couldn't make it out, but he was sure there was something else there. The holes were hard and whatever inside was too. He needed to do something and he had just the idea. 

Get the Tweezers
: Shutterstock.com/Kourdakova Alena
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Kourdakova Alena

Peter decided that he was going to try and dig out whatever it was in his thumb with tweezers. He went to the bathroom and pulled out his tweezers, but before he could dig into his thumb, he hesitated. He didn't really have any idea what he was dealing with. Doing this could make it even worse, but he still had to do something. 

No Doctors
Source: : Shutterstock.com/ndrey_Popov
Source: : Shutterstock.com/ndrey_Popov

Peter didn't like doctors. He preferred to take care of things by himself. He rarely would go unless something was severely bad and as much as he hated the idea of going to the doctor he knew that this wasn't something he should take care of by himself. So he took the leap and called the doctor. 

An Appointment
: Shutterstock.com/Ekahardiwito
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Ekahardiwito

The doctor's office set up a semi-emergency appointment for that same afternoon. They told him that there would be others ahead of him, but they would definitely see him by the end of the day at the latest. In the meantime, the doctor told Peter that he needed to do something for him. 

Out of the Ordinary
Source: : Shutterstock.com/wavebreakmedia
Source: : Shutterstock.com/wavebreakmedia

The doctor told Peter that he needed to think about anything that was different recently that could've caused this. Anything out of the ordinary. It would greatly help the doctor figure out what exactly was wrong. Peter agreed to think about it and hung up the phone. What could have done this? He didn't really know.

A Hike
: Shutterstock.com/fizkes
Source: : Shutterstock.com/fizkes

Peter thought back over the last week. He hadn't really done anything too out of the ordinary. He went on a hike through the forest a couple days ago. He easily could've touched something out there before. Maybe a mushroom or a contaminated piece of moss? That could definitely be an option...maybe?

Too Many People
: Shutterstock.com/Medical-R
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Medical-R

As Peter continued thinking, the hike didn't make that much sense. Surely other people had gone hiking on that same trail. It was a popular route. He wouldn't be the first person to be experiencing this. There'd have to be other signs. He decided to rule it out as an answer, but there had to be something else.

An Average Guy
: Shutterstock.com/mavo
Source: : Shutterstock.com/mavo

It was difficult to think of anything that was out of routine. Peter was an average guy. He didn't do much except hike occasionally and go to the local coffee shop. He worked from home and didn't go outside that much. He really was a boring person, but then it hit him. There was something else that was out of the ordinary.

Online Dating
: Shutterstock.com/TippaPatt
Source: : Shutterstock.com/TippaPatt

Peter had gone on the date the night before. He'd been talking with the woman online for a while and had eventually decided to go on a date. Peter had been excited to try out dating again. He still hadn't found his soulmate and was hoping that this date would go well. Things would end up taking an unexpected turn. 

The Date
Source: : Shutterstock.com/fizkes
Source: : Shutterstock.com/fizkes

From the moment the date began, Peter felt like something was off about the woman. She didn't really seem interested in him. It was almost like she despised him but as soon as he would start thinking this she'd do something that showed that she was invested. It was just a strange date, but there was something more. 

Source: : Shutterstock.com/Preto Perola
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Preto Perola

Thinking back Peter wasn't sure why she'd even contacted him in the first place. Looking through his messages with her he could see more and more that she didn't really like him. He'd just been a bit desperate and wasn't thinking clearly. Could she have something to do with all of this?

Nothing Physical
Source: : Shutterstock.com/tommaso79
Source: : Shutterstock.com/tommaso79

Peter couldn't see how she'd have anything to do with this. They hadn't gotten physical at all and he hadn't contacted her since last night. She hadn't messaged him either. If she had done something wouldn't she have said something? Peter wasn't sure, but it was time for his appointment. He had to go.

Source: : Shutterstock.com/antoniodiaz
Source: : Shutterstock.com/antoniodiaz

Peter had no clue what was going on with his thumb when he left for his appointment. He continued to think while driving to the doctor's office, but he came up with nothing. Luckily, the holes on his thumb didn't seem to be changing too much. They'd grown a bit bigger and were more obvious to the eye now, but it wasn't that bad. Right?

: Shutterstock.com/New Africa
Source: : Shutterstock.com/New Africa

He got to the doctor's office and sat in his car for a second trying to come up with any more answers. Peter really couldn't think of anything else. With a deep breath to calm his nerves, Peter walked into the doctor's office and signed in. He figured he'd have to wait a long time to see the doctor, but people had different plans.

Waiting Room
: Shutterstock.com/Robie Online
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Robie Online

While in the waiting room at the doctor's office, Peter was getting a ridiculous amount of attention. At this point, the holes in his thumb were very plain to see and everyone around him was shocked by what they were seeing. Peter didn't notice too much until the rest of the people's curiosity became increasingly obvious.

: Shutterstock.com/Galileo30
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Galileo30

The other people in the office didn't try to hide their curiosity. The few kids there wanted to go look, but their parents held them back. Still, it was as if everyone forgot why they were there with their own medical complaints. Everybody wanted to know what was happening with him. To be fair, so did Peter. 

The Doctor
: Shutterstock.com/Tyler Olson
Source: : Shutterstock.com/Tyler Olson

It was then that the doctor came out to call in the next patient. Everyone there collectively agreed that Peter should be seen first. None of their problems were serious, but Peter's clearly was. Peter was a bit put off by this but thanked them nonetheless. It was concerning, but surely he could wait. The doctor didn't agree.

The Doctor
Asier Romero/Shutterstock.com
Source: Asier Romero/Shutterstock.com

Once inside his office, the doctor was able to take a proper look at Peter's thumb and he was shocked. He had never seen anything like this. He would remember if he had. Something like this wasn't something you just forgot. And even more, the doctor hadn't even heard of anything like this in his medical books. He was clueless. 

A Few Calls
Source: Elnur/Shutterstock.com

The doctor knew that this was going to take some time. He made a few calls to have his waiting patients sent to other doctors on call. Peter needed his attention the most and he was going to make sure that they were going to find a cure for whatever was going on here.

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
Source: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

The doctor ordered tests for Peter and while they waited for the results he studied Peter's thumb intensely. The strange thing was that while earlier, Peter had felt some pain, he didn't anymore. His whole thumb was completely numb. It didn't even hurt when the doctor pushed on it. This was a bad sign. 

Source: chase4concept/Shutterstock.com

The doctor continued to investigate Peter's thumb and when he got the first results back he was disappointed. The tests he'd ordered hadn't found anything yet. There were still some others he could have done but he needed Peter's permission. It would take up a lot of Peter's time. What would he do?


Peter agreed to the tests and while they waited for those results, the doctor, who still hadn't found anything helpful, posted a few pictures of Peter's thumb on a medical forum. He was hoping that some other doctor had seen something like this before. It would be a while before they got any response. 

Private Messages
Khakimullin Aleksandr/Shutterstock.com
Source: Khakimullin Aleksandr/Shutterstock.com

Peter decided that he needed some air and went to use the bathroom. While he was gone, the doctor received a private message from the forum. He opened it eagerly hoping that it was the answer he'd been seeking. And to his luck, it was! But it was also terrible, terrible news, and everything would have to change fast. 

A Big Problem
Studio Romantic/Shutterstock.com
Source: Studio Romantic/Shutterstock.com

Another doctor had indeed seen this condition before and if they didn't do something soon it could turn into a very big problem for everyone, including Peter. The doctor read the message again and again and knew that if this other doctor was right that he needed to take quick action. 

setthayos sansuwansri/Shutterstock.com
Source: setthayos sansuwansri/Shutterstock.com

Peter's doctor waited for the results which came in almost immediately after he'd read the message from the forum. This was it. He had the results and it chilled him to the bone. The other doctor had been right. Peter's doctor left his office and soon the whole place was upside down. 

Empty Office
Source: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.com

Peter returned from the bathroom. His thumb was not looking good. The holes were starting to spread to the rest of his hand. He was getting really scared now but he knew he had to show the doctor. There was just one problem. The doctor wasn't in his office when Peter got back. What was he to do?

Locked In
Siam SK/Shutterstock.com
Source: Siam SK/Shutterstock.com

Peter was just deciding what to do when he heard something happen behind him. The door he'd just come through had been locked from the outside! He had been trapped in here. And to make things even worse, he could hear the doctor telling others that he had called the police. What was happening?!

Source: New Africa/Shutterstock.com
Source: New Africa/Shutterstock.com

Peter begged for an explanation through the door, but no one was talking to him. All the nurses and doctors were frantically talking to each other and nobody was answering his questions. All he was told was that he needed to stay calm until the police arrived. But this was good enough for Peter. 

A Million Thoughts
Source: kurhan/Shutterstock.com
Source: kurhan/Shutterstock.com

Nervous and scared, the staff's reaction to his thumb was really starting to worry him. What was so wrong? Was he going to die? A million thoughts were running through his head. He tried to stay calm but that was becoming impossible. Peter did not want to die!

Source: Ollyy/Shutterstock.com
Source: Ollyy/Shutterstock.com

Soon enough those fears were turned into anger. Why was nobody talking to him? With no other idea, Peter began to kick at the door. He was desperate to get out. The doctors on the other side were yelling at him to stop, but Peter couldn't hear them over his own banging. He was determined to get out.