Jason suddenly heard loud bangs against the plane’s windows. He had no idea what was going on. He was frantically looking around, then his co-pilot gasped when he got warned by the cabin crew. Jason was totally baffled when he heard that a giant swarm of birds was chasing, and attacking the plane. And they just kept coming.
This could end in a total disaster…..
Jason tried to shake the birds. But he had to be careful, if they would hit the engines the whole plane could go down. The birds seemed to get more aggressive the harder Jason tried to shake them. Jason had no idea why, but it only got worse..
The birds would not let the plane alone, and from what he heard from the cabin crew, people got rowdy. They felt like the birds would let the plane crash. Jason assured the passengers that he had everything under control and that it was normal. But the opposite was true. Jason had to call for help.
Jason had to call flight control to see what his options were. He had the feeling that it was only a matter of time before the birds would actually be able to crash the plane. The number of birds kept increasing, and they got even more aggressive. But there was a problem.
Jason's co-pilot, Jimmy, turned his head around. Jason saw that he did not have good news. He could not reach flight control. There was no answer. Jason insisted that he kept trying. He informed the cabin crew, who had to calm the passengers down.
The passengers could hardly watch out of the windows because it was blacked out by birds. This darkened the whole plane, which gave off a horrifying vibe. The passengers grew really scared. Some of them even started crying. Jason had to act fast.
Jason tried with all his power to gain altitude with the plane, to shake the birds. But if he climbed to steep, it would endanger everyone in the plane. Moreover, the number of birds was so extremely high that they started to steer the plane down. Jimmy gasped when he saw buildings approaching.
They were now hovering very dangerously above the city. Luckily for Jason, he could steer the plane to the countryside. He realized that it was futile to try and gain altitude. He had to get back to the airport, and he had to land the plane. But how?
Meanwhile, the cabin crew was dealing with the passengers. Some of them had even gotten out of their seats. They couldn't take it anymore. While others were just frozen in place. Nobody knew what was going on...
Finally, Jimmy got the call to immediately turn around the plane to the nearest landing strip. Flight control had told them to redirect to a smaller airport closer to their current position. Jason did not waste any time and turned the plane.
It was now getting really dangerous. By turning the plane, they hit a couple of birds. Which seemed to trigger them even more. The birds now kept hitting the plan, and small cracks started to show in the windows.
Jason got informed that emergency services were already en route to the airstrip. Jason just had to make sure he could reach the airstrip. Only then could they help them out. He had to do everything in his power to not crash. But when reaching the countryside, it got even worse.
Immediately when leaving the city area, Jason noticed that the last part of the airstrip would get even worse. From the nearby forest, more birds emerged. They were instantly drawn to the plane. Jason got the feeling this could only end up in a disaster.
Jason noticed that the more birds attacked the plane, the closer they got to the engines. If many birds flew into the engines, it wouldn't be good. Jason was fully focused on reaching the strip when he heard a loud bang.
The plane started shaking, and Jason could hardly control it. The plane was also losing altitude. The passengers also noticed this and immediately started screaming in distress. The worst thing that could have happened was happening. The engine burst.
Jason's heart was pounding in his chest. He was so focused that he did not hear anything around him. The plane was now falling out of the sky. There was only one option that Jason could think of. This was his last shot.
Jason had to make an emergency landing. He had never done this before. He had only learned about it in simulations during his education. He felt it was his duty to make sure everyone on the plane was going to be safe. Then he saw something.
While descending, he saw a body of water in the distance, and he calculated that he could barely make a landing in the water. This was their only saving grace. Landing on land with being rough. It would probably end up crashing the plane.
Jason barely managed to land the plane in the water. It was not a soft landing. But it made sure that the plane did not break into pieces. His only concern was the safety of his crew and the passengers on the plane. He then heard screaming.
The screams came from the passengers. They were terrified. Jason was stuck for a moment but managed to get himself out of his seat. Jimmy was barely conscious, but with the help of Jason, they managed to get inside the plane. The cabin crew was in distress.
The crew tried to stay calm, and from the looks of things, they were actually all fine. They had to open the emergency exits, but they realized the birds were still swarming all around the plane. What would happen if they opened the doors?
They could not stay inside the plane. They had to evacuate. Jason tried to push open one of the exits, but it was completely stuck. He got a little emotional due to the stress and desperation. Luckily one of the stewardesses managed to get the other exit open.